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Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts

Friday, April 4, 2014

What I've Been Into Lately?

Does anyone miss me lately?

Errrrr…my posts? Haha. Well, I had been so occupied the past week. As much as I wanted to write but reading both books and stock market updates & online tools had been the culprits for failing to give this blog some worthy posts.

Also reecently, I’ve been giving more time and attention to my stock market exposure as I’m gearing towards establishing a really strong fundamental and technical knowledge about it. I’ve been doing my own financial analysis plans, working on excel on the updates of my account, computing several valuations and target prices and stuff like that. 

Plus, I have a financial exposure that if one would see will say “Oh, that amount is huge” or so I thought. Well, it’ll still depend on how one consider a huge amount. One reason why I'm so focused in monitoring over these stocks.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

It's Called A Free Flow

Ever wonder why sometimes we’re left with no words or should I say specific topic to write. As if our tongue is tied or our mind is so cluttered that thinking of anything to write is impossible at the very moment we need to. Perhaps, it happened to you as it quite frequently happens to me. 

So, I got a resolve on that. I want to fill that void in me that hinders my fingers to press the letters in the keyboard of my lappy. 

And I want to call it as a “free flow thinking”. I will write whatever I think of as of the moment without regarding the sequential flow of thoughts. 

And so here it goes.  

I'm sipping a mug of green tea mixed with little sugar to satisfy my glucose need. Occasionally, peeking at our living room window right across the other building where a light is still visible at the wee hour of 2am.
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