Rice-eater...sound funny but nice huh?!
I am one big consumer of it along with thousands of people in this country. Well, who won't? it's our staple food..when I think of it, I always ended up saying "Hmmmm...this (rice) coupled with tuyo and egg in the morning...result---awesome heavy breakfast. Practically, rice can be partnered with all that there is in the menu list of a resto, or even lutong bahay. There's this rice in a box too. So many preparations that makes everyone craves for more of it. It's like simply saying " Hey man!, you're not a true-blooded Pinoy if you don't eat one". As evident by our vast rice granaries in the country which supplies the need of every living Juans in a coalesce or mansion.
I blog about RICE today...at this very holy hour ( 2:30AM) to support my own self campaign to abstain from it and get real with my desire to shed some unwanted "taba" which gives me constant irking and complaining. I have this (little) difficulty in my upper body...hmmm..guys don't think that I can't carry my upper part huh...I still can jump and do the whooping smash in any badminton matches I had attended.
By the way, allow me to brag here-- my tri-weekly badminton games had my indurance and stamina works better, grinningly proud to tell you that....hehehe..it feels so nice realizing that your hardwork and perseverance to be in a tip-top shape of the game is going miles in terms of improvement. Thanks to my badminton buddies Ace, Vince, Nigel, Dr. Lulu..and my cousins too Boyet and Mondz. You guys...have been so instrumental why I can compete with some of the best there is in the field.
Badminton is really nice! It will render you "sweatful" to the point that you need to bring a spare of undergarment since you need to change after the game. It really happens to me ALL THE TIME. I mean it! literally. Even my buddies quoted me like this: "Para kang may sariling gripo sa katawan" hahahaha.. as they laugh while saying the funny remarks. True to their words, I really sweat bigtime during the game. Well, good for me since body toxins are washed away.
It was past 8:00PM when Ace and I finally call it a night for our badminton match earlier. We just reserved an hour game since the courts in Metropolis Alabang were full as the employees of Fluor Daniel had their company's championship game. Before we had our time in the court, we watched some matches of their company....hahaha.on our seats we pretty like murmuring as we sized-up some players..sabi namin kaya natin yang labanan.hahaha..ang yabang, we were laughing-our-ass-off..... but yeah it is true....
Well, guys if you are someone who knows your game and your skill, you can size-up someone's "court-showing" ...it is like instinct. You can even say once you caught someone's game in your eyes that "hey that man is way so good" and might end up saying..kelangan ko pang mag-practice ng maiigi. Here's one thing I can say to those who are plannng to enter badminton as a sport either for health reason only or for competitive purposes. It is so exciting to play and even those who may seem to say about themselves that they are not build to play one...think twice..it can be learned....really. I am not a long time player but my improvement is attributable to my extreme desire to be excellent in my craft and the love of it. I am a swimming guy...not to discount football too..but badminton is one-hell-of-a-sport. You guys try it and you'll see the result...HAPPY.
I would like to end this entry by saying: "It's impossible to fail totally if you dare to try". So guys, give it a try. As the title speaks "Strictly No Rice and Way to go Badminton. Goodnight and Godbless! Till my next blog. This is Jay....parking my fingers now..hahaha
presenting today's blooms from my garden space
3 weeks ago
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